Why does the Music Page say "Not Enough Music"?

We match the music to the slides as best as we can, but sometimes, we just don't have enough.

The error message you see here is only a warning and will not stop you from creating the generation and/or play the video. There are a couple of ways around this issue.


Edit the "Slide Time"

At the bottom of the Music page, there is an option for the "Slide Time" with a checkbox. If you uncheck the box, the slider to the right will become available. You can either manually use the slider to find the right time or use the numbers to edit the length. This will manipulate how long the slides show for in seconds. 

Add more music

Another way around this error is to add more music to the slideshow video by adding our Stock Music. You can search for songs within our library for the perfect fit.

Add the same song again

Some families are very particular about the music on their loved one's video. If you need more music, but the family wants specific things, feel free to add the song again.

Duplicate the photos

Some families want all of the music to play all the way through. When they have too much music, we can duplicate the photos to match the number of songs. 

Add silence

If you search our stock music, you can find complete silence songs that you can upload if you don't want music to play in the video or in a certain section. 


If you have any other questions, please feel free to email or call us.

support@tukios.com | 801.682.4391