How can I turn off the Obituary Cover Photo Overlay?

With some of the obituary cover photos, there may be very vibrant colors associated with it. Here are the steps to take off the darkened overlay.

First decide if this is something that you would like to have taken off of all obituaries, or just on a per obituary basis.

Globally (all obituaries):

1. Login to your obituary backend

2. Make sure that you have someone with admin access logging in

3. Go to settings and from there find the section that says "Layouts"

4. There will be toggle within this section called "Cover Photo Overlay". Use that to take off the darkened overlay on ALL of your obituaries cover photos. 

Per Obituary:

1. Login to your obituary backend

2. Scroll down to the bottom of an already created obituary

3. It will be found in the "Settings" section

4. There will be toggle within this section called "Cover Photo Overlay". Use that to take off the darkened overlay on that specific obituary. 


If you have any other questions, please feel free to email or call us.  |  801.682.4391