How do I burn a DVD on Mac/Apple?

This article talks about the different ways to burn from an Apple computer.

With the update to OSX Sierra, Mac has reallowed the burning of .ISO files from the computer. 


  1. 1. Find the DVD file you are trying to burn in Finder (it probably saved to your downloads folder) 
  2. 2. Right-click on the ISO(DVD) file and click on "Burn Disk Image "Name_of_Video.iso" to Disc." 

The disc will automatically eject once the video has been burned. 


**With the update to OSX Catalina v. 10.15, they have again taken away the ability to burn a DVD using Apple Superdrive. Here is a workaround for how to burn using Terminal. 

  1. Download the DVD file to any folder on your computer.
  2. Insert a blank DVD into your drive.
  3. Open Terminal and type in "hdiutil burn ". Make sure there is a space after the word burn.
  4. Drag and drop the ISO file from the folder into Terminal.

    - It should look something similar to below
  5. Then press Enter and wait for the disc to eject once it is done.


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