How can I create an Event for my website?

There may be times where it would be nice to have the capability to have people RSVP or register for funeral home events. Learn how with our new events feature.

  1. Login to your website backend
  2. Find "Events" in the menu bar on the left hand side
  3. From there, click the blue plus button to create a new event.
  4. A sidebar will popup and from there you can fill out all of the event's information.
    1. Within this you can: add a title, choose times, put in a phone number, set a maximum amount of attendees, name of venue, address, etc.
    2. There are also ticketing options. You can add as many pricing tier options as you would like. 
  5. Once you have saved the event, you can go back in and edit it at any time. 


If you have any other questions, please feel free to email or call us.  |  801.682.4391