Can I have a Favorites or Recently Used List of Songs?

You can set a list of songs that are more commonly used within your funeral home or choose from a list of the most used site wide.

Let's admit it; there are some songs we like better than others. Finding those songs is easier than ever before! 

On the music page, you can easily access the songs you have recently used, and you can create your own list of favorites, making video creation that much faster! Here's how it works. 

Recently Used:

When you click "Add music" on the Music page, there is a category at the top called "Recently Used." 

It looks like this: 


 This list includes the last 20 songs you've used on videos. Simply pick and choose which you would like for your current video. 

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My Favorites:

The "My Favorites" category shows up second to the top of the list. 

It looks like this:  


With "My Favorites" it add songs to your customized list of favorites. When selecting music, on the far right side of the page, there is a STAR icon. Clicking on the star for a particular song will add it to the "My Favorites" category for future use on other videos. 

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If you have any other questions, please feel free to email or call us.  |  801.682.4391